6 Creative Ways To Teach Words To Kids

6 Creative Ways To Teach Words To Kids

Children start learning to speak the time they turn 2 years old. At this stage, their vocabulary is limited to words like mama, dada, give, eat, yes, no, mine etc. This is the right time to introduce them to new words. Words are very important to help them learn to speak the language fluently and express themselves clearly. It is also important to help them learn how to read, write and interact with others.

Language development happens quickly in their early childhood. Kids pick up new words listening to and observing the people around them. They’re like sponges at this age, so they absorb all kinds of information. They aren’t yet capable of differentiating between good and bad, so they’ll pick up and use whatever word they hear. This is one of the reasons why using proper language in a toddler’s home and surroundings is very important. But how do you teach new words for kids? They’re easily distracted and very playful and wouldn’t want to spend time learning words! The easiest way to introduce little kids to words is through fun activities and games. Not only do they make learning fun, but they also make it more engaging for kids. Along with these activities, teach kids according to their level of understanding. Start with simple 2 and 3 letter words, CVC words, sight words etc. When they’re more comfortable with learning words, introduce them to four letter words and other more complex words.

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6 Creative Ways To Teach Words To Little Kids

Here are 6 creative methods you can use to teach your little one words like four letter words for kids.

  1. Reading:Nothing helps build a strong vocabulary and word skills like reading can. Reading to your child helps them understand the importance of language. Along with their language skills, reading also boosts their listening skills, imagination, focus and concentration. It also helps them learn good values and important life lessons.
  2. Everyday conversation: A child’s initial learning happens at home. They observe and listen to the people around them and repeat what they say or do. Engaging children in conversation is a great way to help them learn new words. As you talk to your child, use new words they haven’t learned and help them understand the words. You can also ask them to talk about their day or their favorite toy and ask them to describe everything in detail. As they talk, they start using words they’ve learnt and understand how to use them effectively.
  3. Word building games: “I don’t want to play a game!” said no child ever! Children will enthusiastically participate in games, even if it’s a learning game. Word building games are the perfect way to help your playtime loving children to learn new words. You can use scrabble tiles or lego blocks or bottle caps with letters written on them. Give children a bunch of letters and ask them to form as many words as they can with them. Start with simple 2 letter and 3 letter words and move on to more complex words like four letter words
  4. Nursery rhymes: Nursery rhymes are an important part of early language development for children. The rhyme and rhythm of the songs help children learn the different sounds and syllables in the words. This not only helps them learn new words, but also helps them learn to read. These rhymes are the best way to introduce words and numbers to little kids.
  5. Word art projects: Little kids someone come back to you to draw and color. In fact, leave them for a while with some art materials and you might come to a completely redecorated space! Channel their fascination with color and art in the right direction and help them learn new words through word art projects. Help them learn to write the words they’ve learnt or even simple things like their names with these word art projects.
  6. Word Hunt:Another great way to get your kids to learn words is to combine word learning with one of their favorite games, scavenger hunt. Write clues for different words on flashcards or small pieces of paper and hide them around the house. For example, “this machine is what keeps food fresh and cool and also makes ice.” The kids should say the word, “refrigerator” to get the next clue. The game continues until they guess the word correctly to the last clue.

Learning words is vital to vocabulary and language development. Without these skills a child will have difficulty learning to read and write. So, foster a love of words early in their life with fun learning activities and games. When a child has fun learning, they’ll look forward to learning more. This will help them succeed in school and later in their professional lives too.

Ellen Hollington

Ellen Hollington